GO2cam mecanic, CAD dedicated to Mecanic users

GO2cam mecanic was developed in partnership with Mecasoft s.a. Thanks to GO2cam mecanic’s simple interface, Mecanic users can retrieve 3D files from all CAD software, prepare the geometries to be machined and transfer them to Mecanic. All process can be automated.

GO2cam mecanic allows:

  • To import all types of 3D files in native format,
  • To reposition the part in translation and / or rotation,
  • To create or retrieve the contours/surfaces to be machined in Wire EDM,
  • To automatically or manually define the threading points and the machining direction of the contours,
  • To type the contours according to the technologies (cylindrical, conical, 4 axes or pocket by nibbling …),
  • To automatically define contours/surfaces in dies, punches or open contours,
  • To group the contours into families to simplify the selection of machining strategies and technologies in Mecanic,
  • To automatically define the heights of the main and secondary plane of the different surfaces.