GO2cam System requirements

See the table below for minimum and recommended system requirements for using GO2cam :

Minimum system requirements (V 6.09) Minimum system requirements (V 6.10, 6.11 & 6.12) Recommended system requirements
Processor Core i5 2.4 Ghz Core i5 2.4 Ghz Core i7 3.3 Ghz
OS Windows 8 64-bit
Windows Server 2016
Windows 10 64-bit
Windows Server 2019
Windows 11 64-bit
Windows Server 2022
Graphic Card Intel HD 620 Intel HD 620 Nvidia GTX 1660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
Monitor 1280 x 1024 Resolution 1280 x 1024 Resolution 1920×1080 Resolution, dual monitors
Ram 4 GB 4 GB 16 GB

Note: Windows versions 32bits are not supported.