Third-party software
CADCAM world is a complex galaxy of team works and synergies. Inside and around GO2cam software range, many experts brought their special know-how:
- Thus, we count on Parasolid® for the software 3D engine, on MachineWorks® for machine simulation, and on Alma® for nesting.
- Camwerk GmbH provides us their real NC code simulation engine called NC2check® that drives our Machine Tool Environment thank our new add-on NC Control.
- We can export compatible data for NC code simulation software Eureka® and Vericut®.
- ModuleWorks® provides us specific 5 axis cycles so we can bring to our customers the largest range of toolpaths.
- 3D Interop® enables us to connect GO2cam with every CAD file format.
- We are accompanied by Gedix® and TDM® for tool databases and workshop monitoring.
- GO2cam firstly developed a gateway allowing to retrieve all features data from SOLIDWORKS® files. We offer now a full integration of GO2cam into SOLIDWORKS® as a Plug-in.
- C4W® is a dental CAD software editor with whom we co-built the 3D engine of GO2dental. We also developed with this company Iris Chairside Cadcam®.